Dr. Pšenský - Interantik, s. r. o. - gallery selling antiques

Dr. Pšenský - Interantik, s. r. o.
Address: Pod pekárnami 3, Prague 9 - Vysočany, 190 00
+420 604 477 771
+420 777 747 170
e-shop: snubni@email.cz
Mo - Th: 10am - 5pm
Only 50 meters from the tube station, line B - "Vysočanská"
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The company has been operating since 1990.
We provide the following services:
We buy for cash and accept antiques and art objects for supplier (commission) sale - commission amounts from 10 - 20 %. Final prices are favourable thanks to our low overhead costs. We accept payments via credit card (VISA, American Express, JCB, DC). If you pay in cash, we will provide you individual discounts.
Then we offer luxury and collectors objects under public control and without risk of buying at international sales exhibitions in the Municipal House or the Exhibition Hall Mánes in Prague. These events are held at least three times a year.
Pawnbroking activities - we accept for pawn antique jewellery, including brilliants, then old Meissen figurines, gold watches and coins. Current pawnbroker's interest rate is one of the lowest in Prague - up from 2.0 % a week.
Staff of security agency Professional, Inc. is present in the shop.
Number of items: 242