Antiques - nám. Republiky 12, Plzeň - gallery selling antiques

Antiques - nám. Republiky 12, Plzeň
Ing. Zdeněk Skolek
Address: Nám. Republiky 12, Pilsen, 301 12
Phone: + 420 377 326 340
Mobile phone: + 420 602 212 167
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
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Brooch with pearl and 2 diamonds, white gold, Au 585/000, weight 5.45 g, total...
antique gallery
674,- €
Oil on canvas, signed M. Novák down on the right side.
antique gallery
696,- €
Oil on canvas, signed J. Mathauser 1904 Vinohrady. The painting is without...
antique gallery
652,- €
Oil on canvas, signed H. Buschner, frame is in very good condition.
antique gallery
783,- €
Oil on cardboard, signed B. Pospíšil down on the right side.
antique gallery
565,- €
Number of items: 328