Antiques Ambra - gallery selling antiques

Antiques Ambra

Antiques Ambra

Address: Kaprova 40/12

110 00, PRAHA 1

Mobile phone: +420 702 082 437


Opening hours:

Mon-Sat: 10am - 7pm

Sun: 11am - 7pm

Languages: EN, RUS



We have longstanding experience in sale and consultancy,

we offer a wide range of antiques

(paintings, sculptures, porcelain, glass, furniture, clocks, jewelleries)

we have cheapest antique jewelleries in Prague.


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In the case of your interest you can visit our shop which is located opposite the tram stop "Staroměstská"

(tram no. 17, 18) and next to the A-underground station "Staroměstská".

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Number of items: 100